Zero Hunger in 2035

Why is there hunger in the world when so many of us have more than enough money? We just listen to the news, but it is so extremely different from our daily life, so I feel like we almost do not believe it is real. The UN Sustainable Development Goal number 2 is to have zero hunger in the world by 2035. To reach that goal, we need to work harder than we already do. We say we care, but actions speak louder than words, and it is time to act. It is possible for us to give more of our money to charity. But do we care enough?

Around the world, 815 million people are regularly hungry when they go to bed. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst place in the world when it comes to hunger. 1 in 4 people there lack adequate food, and every three seconds a child under five dies of Aids and hunger. The country also suffers from bad economy. That is because their climate is so dry, that there are almost no places to run agriculture. The thing is, Sub-Saharan Africa can’t expect an economic growth before the hunger has decreased. And the hunger can’t decrease without good and renewable food sources like for example agriculture.

The differences in the world is a big issue for the the poorest countries. The hunger is there because the world is so unrightous. Organizations like the UN work with this topic every day. They have campaigns where people can donate money, and they travel to the destinations to volunteer and help. I think the crisis can be solved in the end, but we need to put in a larger effort than we already do to reach the goal.


My sources: (18.10.18) (18.10.18)

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